WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 31, 2022) – Support for agricultural research is critical for building farmer resilience and ensuring that global food systems can stand up against climate change, according to panelists at an online event organized by Farm Journal Foundation, CGIAR, and AIM for Climate.
The event, titled “CGIAR Knowledge and Innovation to End Hunger by 2030,” showcased some of the research being conducted at CGIAR toward meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of ending global hunger by 2030. CGIAR is the world’s largest publicly funded agricultural network, with scientists around the world working on solutions to enable farmers to adapt to and mitigate climate change.
Both CGIAR and Farm Journal Foundation are knowledge partners in the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate), an initiative launched at COP26 that seeks to address climate change and global hunger by encouraging increased investments in climate-smart agriculture and global food systems. AIM for Climate was spearheaded by the U.S. and United Arab Emirates, and now includes over 40 countries and 200 private sector and nonprofit partners.
“We can’t take our attention off meeting the needs not just of today, but of the future,” Rob Bertram, Chief Scientist at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, said at the May 31 online event. “That’s really what the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate is all about.”
Five scientists from CGIAR presented their research at the May 31 event, covering a range of solutions including heat tolerant crops, water resource management, and climate smart livestock. Presenters were:
Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Research Director of Climate Action for the Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Dr. Loboguerrero spoke about the ClimBeR initiative, which aims to transform the climate adaptation capacity of food, land, and water systems in six countries.
Maha Al-Zu’bi, researcher for agricultural water solutions at the International Water Management Institute. Dr. Al-Zu’bi spoke about increasing climate resilience in Central and West Asia and North Africa.
Santosh Nepal, water resources and climate researcher at the International Water Management Institute. Dr. Nepal spoke about NEXUS gains, or realizing multiple benefits across water, energy, food and ecosystems.
Polly Erickson, program leader of sustainable livestock systems at the International Livestock Research Institute. Dr. Erickson spoke about livestock, climate, and systems resilience.
Louis Verchot, principal scientist and leader of the Land Restoration Group at CIAT. Dr. Verchot spoke about Mitigate+ research for low emissions food systems.
To learn more about CGIAR research and watch a replay of the event, visit https://youtu.be/3EsRLhUcnhk
Media Contact
Whitney McFerron, Communications Senior Manager
Farm Journal Foundation

About Farm Journal Foundation
Farm Journal Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to achieving global food security by sustaining modern agriculture’s leadership role and ability to meet the vital needs of a growing population. The organization works to advance this mission through key issue areas, including global food security, agricultural research and development, nutrition, and conservation agriculture. To learn more, visit www.farmjournalfoundation.org.